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CrossFit brings together weightlifting, gymnastics, and endurance in one workout. The workouts are made up of functional movements performed at a high intensity. The strength of CrossFit is that it is accessible to everyone. Young, old, experienced or beginner: all workouts and movements can be adapted to your fitness level. We will make sure you’re being offered the right challenge and training stimulus.

Sweat Classes

You can think of our Sweat Classes as a variation on CrossFit with less technical movements, but certainly no less challenging! The workouts mostly consist of movements with bodyweight, wall balls, kettlebells, and dumbbells, but also running, rowing, and cycling. The Sweat Classes mainly have the goal to keep the heart rate continuously high in order to work on better endurance.

Olympic Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting

If you want to work consistently on one barbell technique, for example, the clean & jerk or the snatch then our Olympic Weightlifting classes are absolutely for you. In cycles of multiple weeks, the movement is completely brought back to the very basics after which we will start rebuilding again in order to fully master the technique, avoid injury and eventually lift heavier.


The Gymnastics Classes are also offered in cycles of multiple weeks. Skills worked on are handstand hold/walk and body positions, kipping work for pull-ups, bar muscle-ups and toes to bar and ring work/skills for beginners and ring muscle-ups for advanced athletes.

Gymnastics and Olympic Weightlifting cycles are alternating.

For an overview of all classes and times you can view the schedule here.
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