We believe that each day is a blank page and therefore an opportunity to transform yourself. Whenever you are ready, we are there to take your journey very serious. Lifestyle Coaching is our answer towards your fit and healthy self.

Add extra to your ordinary
Have you ever felt the lack of progress, the feeling of being stuck or not being able to reach your untapped potential? You are not alone in this; we’re here to be your supporting partner. That’s why we’ve created our tailor-made personal training concept: Lifestyle Coaching. Especially for those of you who are ready to level up their journey and see how high they can fly. Whether you are curious, hesitating or already convinced, let us inform and inspire you.

Lifestyle Coaching, your gateway to holistic wellbeing
CrossFit forms the foundation of our personal training program. Growing your strength, enhancing your endurance, and increasing mental clarity. Yes, CrossFit does that. Let’s add healthier habits to your life and we promise you, you will step into a whole new dimension of living a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Our belief is that a fitter, stronger and healthier version of yourself can only be reached ánd maintained through a holistic approach. Muscles are not only built with weights, but also with knowing how you should recover, what and when to eat, a.o.

Personal training, your blueprint for success
Personal training is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We understand that life throws you some curveballs, and has its challenges. But also, your life is different than the life of your colleagues, siblings, friends, and even your partner. So, we put you on your podium and craft you an appropriated schedule. We are your partners in progress.

While we first start to discuss your needs and wishes, we include your routines and lifestyle as well. Every detail matters. It’s up to you to include your nutrition as an upgrade. Know that nutrition plays a pivotal role in your journey. Once we have all information, we will design your blueprint and include your personalized roadmap to success to reach your goals.

Rewrite your story with RTM’s Lifestyle Coaching
Own your fitness level, shatter your limitations, and crush your personal bests. Embrace the process of Lifestyle Coaching and watch yourself grow with every meal, training, and every choice you make. Your path to a healthier and happier you!

We are ready when you are. Drop us a message, provide us the necessary information and we will tailor your needs and wishes with you.

Want to find out more about our personal training coaches? Have a look here.

Let’s start your transformation together!


Happy crew, good for you!


Sounds a bit familiar? Just like “happy wife, happy life”, this version is so very true when it comes to your crew. Your employees work for you and we have no doubt that you take all the measurements that you have in your capabilities to do the best you can.

You are a great employer and you take care of your employees with your best intentions.

In the process of figuring out your next company strategy, have you thought of offering your employees access to a fit and healthy lifestyle? Have you already considered to include sports as part of your terms of employment? Are you aware on how staying fit and healthy can benefit them as employees, you as an employer and your business in growth?

Of course, we are here to inform you that working out is good for you. I mean, look at us! We enjoy sports in general, and CrossFit in particular. And over time, we came to the realization that sport impact your life on many different levels. Since we have one life and try to balance all responsibilities, interest, and fun, we learned that it is way easier to combine those things when you experience an overall feeling of fitness and wellbeing. And you as an employer can help your employees with that.

There is a significant relation between the satisfaction of your employees and the vital and mental state of mind. No, this does not mean that you are responsible on how they live their life. Plenty of people already take very good care of their health. And there is also a many people that don’t. As an employer, you can provide your employees a place to work on personal growth and development (together), which includes lifestyle and fitness. How you design that for your company, well, there are many options and possibilities to do that. But before we dive into that, let’s sum up some of the benefits.

How can providing access to sports benefit your employees (on a personal level)?
– It improves health and overall wellbeing.
– Exercising lowers stress levels.
– It boosts productivity and is energizing.

And what’s in it for the company?
– Great way of teambuilding.
– It improves your work culture.
– Growing level of commitment, involvement and motivation.

Win-win! Whether you provide your employees (partially) with a budget to perform sports by themselves, or if you decide to join a lesson all together and work on that teambuilding on a regular basis, it’s all up to you.

Don’t you have any idea how or where to start? How about a phone call to explore possibilities! Or drop by at our amazing location in Nieuw Kralingen.

We are happy to help answer your questions and share some ideas with you.

We recently added this question to our RTM member survey and, surprisingly, quite some people said ‘no’. They especially would like to see improvement in their sleep patterns. But how can our gym contribute to that?

Lifestyle coaching.

Now, we can give you a very nice list of bullet points telling you what lifestyle coaching is and what the benefits are, but it speaks much more to the imagination if we explain it through an example, by a case of coach Juan.

Coach Juan Ortega has been into lifestyle coaching for almost 10 years. After suffering from many injuries himself and the effect on his lifestyle (gaining weight, feeling depressed), he decided to look for an effective way to drastically and permanently change his lifestyle in a holistic way. This resulted in a concept in which he has been successfully coaching clients for years:

‘One day a woman came into my practice, a cardiologist, with the goal of wanting to lose weight for her sister’s wedding. A noble reason but I wondered if this would be enough to keep it up afterwards. I began to ask her some questions:’

“Why do you want to lose weight?”
“I want to look good at my sister’s wedding.”
“But don’t you look good now then?”
“No, I’m overweight and don’t feel good about it. It makes me feel insecure.”
“Ah okay, so basically you want to feel better about yourself and feel more confident.”

Next to a training schedule, the focus in lifestyle training is on changing behaviors and patterns to create a fit and healthy lifestyle, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Training in this is just a tool, a constant that we use to measure the effect of the change.

Improving sleep patterns
‘During the first session, in addition to working out, we paid attention to her sleeping patterns. As a cardiologist, she has to work irregular shifts quite often. This means that on average she sleeps about +/- 6 hours continuously per night. This can affect your sense of hunger because your stomach starts producing more of the trigger hormone ghrelin. At the same time, with too little sleep, fat cells secrete less of the satiety hormone leptin. And this, in turn, can eventually cause weight gain.
So, crucial: improve sleep rhythm. And better sleep also means better training performance.’

Attuning nutrition
‘Her sleep pattern improved, she lost weight, but several sessions later the weight loss came to a halt again. Time for the next step in which we started looking at her eating habits. The focus was on, looking to adopt an eating habit that works best for her. We tailored her diet to her family situation, what she likes and what works best for her body. Result: weight loss and improved workout results.’

Lowering stress
‘I noticed that her stress levels were very high. She was always on and had trouble detaching from work when she was at home. This was at the expense of her health. The goal: stress down, dopamine up.

I advised her several things to do. First: cold showering for 3 minutes. This stimulates the production of endorphins, also known as the happiness hormone. Next: mindfulness and meditation, to detach from work and being able to land back at home. And finally exercise, through sports but also by taking a bike instead of a car when commuting to work or go for a walk.

When she got to the point where she was able to keep this up, and her stress levels had significantly dropped, I asked her to go one step further and schedule some self-care once a week. This sounds like something very simple but before this there just wasn’t mentally room for it. Reaching this point was a huge milestone.’

Prevent mode
‘After a while the focus was now mainly on prevention. She still had about 9 weeks a year where she worked extremely busy days (and night shifts), but she now knew how to manage this and then get back into her healthy rhythm. Even after she had her second child, she was able to get back into the swing of things relatively easily because it was now in her system.

Now, two years later she is back to the look she is happy with (not the weight!). The way of training we built together has become something she now sees as self-care, an investment in herself.’

So, what is lifestyle coaching? A PT concept which goes beyond only training in the gym. With lifestyle coaching we also focus on your day-to-day routine, nutrition, sleep habits, stress management, mindfulness; anything that’s holding you back from living a fit and healthy lifestyle.

We’re bringing together all the ingredients for a long-lasting improvement in your overall lifestyle.

Are you curious about what lifestyle coaching can do for you? Plan your intake with Coach Juan and get started! Send an e-mail to info@rtmlifestylegym.nl for more info.

Owner and coach Boyan surprised all members (and colleagues) with the new RTM Lifetime Membership. Let’s hear him out about the vision behind it.

RTM Lifestyle gym is not your average gym
‘Fitness and health are not something you take care of “on the side”. We believe it is a holistic approach that deserves constant attention and dedication. Whether it’s about the choice to train or to actively rest. Your choices in nutrition and let’s not forget about your mental health.

Over the past 9 years, RTM Lifestyle Gym grew in both size and its happy members. But we’ve also transformed into a place where you can work on your overall health and wellbeing. Having said that, we see this great community that we care for. They feel like our family, we see them as our family. With all changes happening in the world, life is getting more expensive. But it is not okay to lose family over financial reasons. Health is not a privilege, but a necessity of life. Hence the reason we came up with this idea to not burden our current members ever again with a price increase.’

Our community is like family. And family means no one is left behind or forgotten.

“Bold move!”
‘Yes, it is a bold move, and we have no idea what the future may bring. The most important thing we do know, is who we are and what we stand for. We see the added value of our capabilities and improvement for the future. Being authentic, being different and being the pioneer in our field. We believe that we make a difference in the life of our members.’

So, what does this mean, a Lifetime membership?
‘As mentioned before, every active member on the date of April 15th, 2023, will automatically hold a Lifetime membership. The prices for this membership are set for life and will not change. To facilitate our members to their needs, we will make it a lot easier to up- and downgrade memberships or to put a membership on hold. For those moments in life where you are travelling, experience periods of life events such as long-term sickness, a newborn or moving places.

With a 2-week notice period, members can inform us to put their membership on hold, preferably with an end-date. The membership terms will remain the same. In exchange to that, we only charge 20 euros per month. Just to put that into perspective, the same price that is paid for a cheap ass membership at Fit-4-Free, where a lot of people just forget to go to when their priorities are somewhere else. And thus, instead of sponsoring them, keep the benefits and your family close. Doors will be always open, and we will celebrate the return once members are ready to come back.

In those 9 years, we’ve learned many lessons. One is that fitness is not a sprint, but merely a marathon which requires a lot of different attention.’

What is RTM’s long-term vision?
‘Over the past years, we’ve changed from a ‘regular’ (CrossFit) gym towards a one-stop-lifestyle-shop where you find the specialties and knowledge you need for a healthy life. We see many members and people in general, focusing on awareness more and more. Apart from training, we are talking about rest, psychological and emotional development. Our inhouse specialists and our coaches exchange knowledge and thus inform you better on your next move. What can you do to improve your snatch? First thought could be a weightlifting class to focus on your technique. But as soon as your coach sees that your mobility could use some focus, you will be advised to join a yoga class on a regular basis.’

I’ve made it my life purpose to share knowledge and help people to get the best out of themselves.

Where can I find more info about the Lifetime membership?
Just click here.

How do I become a member?
Send an e-mail to info@rtmlifestylegym.nl or call the front desk on +31 (0)6 31979750.

I am a former member of the family and I’m thinking about making my return.
Great! Don’t hesitate. As mentioned, our doors are always open. If you come back now and sign up before April 15th, you will hold an RTM Lifetime membership as well. Not only will you see your family back again, but you will also get a punch card for 5 extra lessons and a free Lifestyle coaching intake with coach Juan as a welcome-back gift and have the benefits of our never-seen-before membership.

I have a friend that should definitely join RTM’s community. Can I bring my friend?
No question about it. Please do bring your friend(s) and let’s share the love. You will get a 50% discount on your membership fee for the next month as a gratitude from us.

CrossFit is only for extremely fit and strong people. I’m not like that, how can I join?
We know that’s the image of the sport. CrossFit is for everybody. Our members vary in range of age between 4 and 68! So, let’s ditch that image and focus on your goals. How can we help you?


Coach Lawrence recently did a 72-hours fast which is, for the quick mathematicians amongst us, 3 days of not eating.

‘It started with this documentary Limitless with Chris Hemsworth. Episode 3 is about fasting. There were two outcomes presented when you’re fasting, especially for a longer period: either you become very tired and feel a bit foggy or you get super alert and focused. Basically, what happens then, is that your primal instincts are triggered which is a very natural response when you go back to the time when we needed to hunt to survive. This really activated me because I wanted to know how my body would response after not eating for so long and, especially the effects on my mind.’

Before we go into the effects: what is fasting? Basically, it means you stop eating for a certain amount of time. A fast is usually between 12 to 24 hours but it is even possible to stretch it even further to a couple of days. Intermitted fasting has gained a lot of popularity the last couple of years but in several religions, fasting is a huge tradition for decades already. When you’re in your ‘fasting window’, meaning when you’re not eating, it sometimes is allowed (depending on your fasting regime) to drink water, tea and coffee or even small amounts of food.

Fasting and the physical body
But why fast? Fasting can have numerous effects on your physical body, like weight loss but it has so much more health benefits like improved blood sugar control, decreased inflammation, boosting metabolism, a.o.

‘After 72 hours of fasting all my aches and pains were gone. It was like my body was cleaned up. You’re given yourself a break from needing to digest food several times a day which creates space for your body to attend other processes.’

Here are some scientific backed articles when you want to deeper into the benefits of fasting or check out the Dr. Ludidi Method of Intermitted Fasting. Another great tip is Dr. Peter Attia who helps Chris Hemsworth in his fasts and is a big inspiration to coach Lawrence.

Fasting as a way to practice mindfulness
Besides the physical effects, fasting also challenges your mental being. You might even want to compare it with mindfulness because your mind will probably interfere at some point telling you, you ‘need’ to eat.

‘At that point it comes to willpower to keep up. It really helps to inform and share with your environment that you’re fasting. Eating is such a normal habit for us that when it falls away, it creates space for the mind to interfere. The people around you can help you focus on something else and of course support you.’

On the other hand, it could be a real good opportunity to observe your thoughts:

‘The longer I went into my fast, I experienced my mind became so much clearer. It was really destressing, and I could more easily reach my feelings and express my emotions. It really raised my awareness. And the moment I started eating again was amazing. The experience of flavors was really magnified!’

How to start
‘Before I went into a 72-hours fast I already did a 24-hours and 48-hours fast and intermitted fasting. I wouldn’t recommend going into a 72-hours fast right away but build up slowly. Intermitted fasting is a good way to start because you increase your fasting window slowly over the days.

For example: start with a 12-hours fasting window. When you usually have breakfast at 7.30 hrs., start an hour later and stop eating after 19.30 hrs. When that feels comfortable, move it up an hour and break your fast at 8.30 hrs. and still don’t eat after 19.30 hrs. It’s the small steps that make it durable and sustainable.’

The most common misunderstanding about intermitted fasting is that you don’t skip a meal. You still eat the same number of calories but within a shorter time frame.

Can you train on an empty stomach?
‘Of course, you can train on an empty stomach because your body holds so many reserves. But I wouldn’t go cold turkey but recommend building up slowly. Let your body first get familiar with fasting before you go training on an empty stomach.’

When you’re working out, your body starts burning glycogen. Then it starts to use up your water. So, make sure to drink enough. Preferably add some pure salt to it (like Himalaya salt) which helps to transport the water through the entire body.

Fasting can help you improve your health on many levels, but it might not be for everyone. When it creates aches, pains and failures then better not force it. A little resistance towards it or feeling challenged and uncomfortable is okay 😉 That’s all part of the process. Just give it a try!

Now, who’s in for a fasting challenge?

Everyone knows that oxygen is our most important basic need! But do you know, for example, that breathing less gives you more energy? Breathing correctly is at the foundation of a healthy, energetic and happy life. During a breath work session, you will learn to restore natural breathing as it once was when you were just born.

Over the years, you may have begun to breathe less well, breathe too fast, not exhale fully, or have developed a fear of holding your breath. This in turn affects your normal life and can lead to asthma, stress, injuries, intestinal problems, etc. Breathing affects all processes in the body.

From different traditions, they look at the body based on 4 different bodies. The phyiscal, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Breathing affects these different bodies.

Energy and oxygen have a lot of influence on each other. We need oxygen to have enough energy but CO2 is also an important gas to ensure that the oxygen actually gets into the cells. If you start breathing more it eventually causes less oxygen to enter the cells. And breathing less is trainable.

More breathing causes an increased heart rate and a constant state of stress. Once your body is in this state your brain works differently and your head will produce more fear thoughts.

Emotions may well be released during a breathing session. These are emotions that generally already live in your subconscious, for example, if someone died some time ago. With the process of mourning, letting go is also important, and the body has crying for that. Don’t have room for that at the time because you’re just in the middle of a busy house renovation, for example. Then this may come out later. And that, in turn, is very healthy.

With the church becoming less popular in the Netherlands, much of the spirituality also disappeared from the Netherlands. And spirituality is a part of every person, we need it to feel connection. Not everything in the world is explainable. Breathing gets you out of your head, and when that happens, spiritual experiences can occur. You can see colors, faces or enter some kind of dream world. If that happens, just experience it. You can do all kinds of things with it but you don’t have to.

Processing trauma
Every person goes through traumatic things in life. That can be a really traumatic event like a car accident or physical assault, but you also have the process traumas in which it used to be hammered over and over again that you couldn’t do something etc. These traumas shape you and the behaviors you developed as a result help you survive. But at some point that behavior can start to work against you and you start to notice this in physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problems. That’s a great time to start working on those traumas so you can continue to evolve into the person who is right for the next stage of life.

Breathing is the perfect way to bridge the gap between body and mind.

Different breathing techniques
Various breathing techniques have emerged in recent decades, almost all of which have their basis in yoga or Eastern mysticism. Wim Hof, for example, drew inspiration from Tummo Buddhism. A technique that can turn on your “Innerfire. The Wim Hof Method goes as follows:

1. Inhale powerfully 30x through your nose. You may do the exhalation with a short punch through your mouth. Establish a rhythm that is faster than your normal breathing.
2. After the 30 breaths, exhale 80% and take no more breaths. So now you have empty lungs. Hold this as long as it feels comfortable (do not breathe). You wait for a clear breath stimulus.
3. When the breath stimulus comes take a deep breath and hold it for 15 seconds. So now you have full lungs. Count in your mind 15 seconds.
Wil je meer weten over de Wim Hof Methode, ga dan naar https://www.wimhofmethod.com/ . Here you will also find scientific studies on the method.

Connected breathing is a more spiritual breathing and you notice that during a session. You soon go into a kind of trance where the body takes over the breathing instead of your head. By “connected” breathing, you restore your natural breathing. You learn to breathe again, so to speak, with optimal use of your whole body. You process old pain, tension, and stress, reducing and/or dissolving the ballast you carry with you. This literally and figuratively gives you more air!

The benefits
– More energy because more oxygen can get into your cell.
– Better disposal of waste products, you stimulate the lymphatic system
– Your body relaxes
– It reduces your anxiety and negative thoughts
– You are becoming more senstive

Want to try RTM Lifestyle Gym? Request a free trial lesson now!